Reconciliation, also known as the Sacrament of Penance or Confession, is a central practice in the Catholic Church in which a person seeks forgiveness for sins committed after baptism. It is a sacrament of healing, where individuals confess their sins to a priest (who is in persona Christi) express genuine sorrow, and receive absolution.
The process typically involves four main steps:
Examination of Conscience: The penitent reflects on their actions, thoughts, and omissions, considering where they have fallen short of God's commandments and the teachings of the Church. This step is an opportunity for self-awareness and spiritual reflection.
Contrition: The penitent feels genuine sorrow for their sins, recognizing the harm done to their relationship with God and others. True contrition is motivated by love for God rather than fear of punishment.
Confession: The penitent verbally confesses their sins to the priest, who acts in the person of Christ and represents the Church. Confession involves both the acknowledgment of sins and the desire for reconciliation.
Penance: After hearing the confession, the priest assigns a penance, which may involve prayers, acts of charity, or other forms of spiritual discipline. This is meant to help the penitent demonstrate their repentance and make amends for the harm caused by their actions.
After the penitent has completed the penance, the priest offers absolution, declaring the person forgiven in the name of God, based on the authority given to the Church by Christ. The penitent is restored to full communion with the Church.
Confessions will be heard every Saturday from 9:00am-11:00am or upon request. Contact the front office if you would like to schedule an appointment with one of our priests.
(850) 267-2558