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St. Rita’s Lectors proclaim the reading from the Old Testament and the New Testament at all Sunday Liturgies and on Holy Days of Obligation (the Gospel is read by the priest or deacon). Lectors are expected to have engaged in prayerful preparation and practice prior to Mass and should carefully review the scripture passages and practice reading them aloud before coming to church so that he or she can proclaim them with clarity, reverence, and enthusiasm. The Scripture passages should b read reverently and “transparently,” meaning the Word itself (not the proclaimer) takes center stage. Our voices are a vessel through which God speaks to his people of his love and tenderness. Everything from our prayerful preparation, to our body language and our voice stylistics, should communicate God’s love for his people. By fulfilling these duties, the Lector plays a crucial role in bringing the Word of God to life and nourishing the faith of those who gather to worship. Please arrive 15 minutes early to confirm with the presider, and your fellow Lector, that you are present before taking your seat in the congregation. Generally, Lectors are scheduled to read at the Mass time they customarily attend.

As a result of the Second Vatican Council, the laity were empowered to proclaim the Word of God by reading the Scripture selections at Mass. Even when ministers of a higher rank are present (e.g. priests and deacons), the laity are still charged with proclamation of the Word. St. Rita’s Lector Ministry is a response to this mandate.


Please contact Catherine Holden at 850-267-2558 or


         22 Saint Rita Lane
         Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459



Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 4 pm



  • 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil

  • 8:00 AM Sunday Mass

  • 11:00 AM Sunday Mass

  • 5:00 PM Sunday Misa en Español

  • 8:30 AM Mon – Sat Daily Mass


  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, or by appointment

Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist

  • 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Friday

  • 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM First Friday of the month

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